Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Mechanism ... Mysticism... the call for Integration...

APOGEE Paradigm™ is the ultimate in personal body/mind exploration and integration... through direct biofeedback, one's conscious and subconscious motivations are explored, confronted and directed toward resolve. Yes, the mechanism and mysticism of form, structure and BEING are put forward in service to wellness, creativity and fulfillment of purpose. Here illustrated is the proposed integration of Mechanism and Mysticism... all in accord with APOGEE Acu-Tone™... All Inquiries welcomed for private sessions as well as group workshops. www.acu-tone.com

Rose Marie Raccioppi
APOGEE Acu-Tone™

Those who have experienced APOGEE Acu-Tone™ have reported a myriad of benefits.

•Provides instantaneous deep relaxation•
•Balances physical energy•
•Relieves stress by bringing your body into a centered space•
•Awakens the life energy of your cells•
•Eliminates tightness of muscles•
•Reduces pain, tenderness, associated with injuries or stress•
•Integrates left and right brain•
•Brings the nervous system into balance•
•Relieves headaches•
•Fosters mental clarity and brain functioning•
•Develops and refines sonic abilities•

Inquiries Welcomed ~ 
Call for your Introductory Consultation.
toll free: 1-866-228-8663

APOGEE Acu-Tone™ ~ Vibrational Sound Therapy: What is known ~ what is applied ~ Vibration and the APOGEE Acu-Tone™ Paradigm:

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