Saturday, October 19, 2024

Sound/Vibration ~ the APOGEE Paradigm ~ before its time ~ 1983 ~ This year marks its 41 Year Anniversary...

"…When force of circumstance upsets your balance, lose no time in recovering your self-control, and do not remain out of tune longer than you can help. Habitual recurrence to harmony will increase your mastery of it..." Marcus Aurelius

Learning is meant to be an ever present life long process. Life experiences, perception, behavior and specific habit patterns can enhance, block or limit our ability to profit from particular learning opportunities. Opportunities are created. We each have the power to bring ourselves to a state of greater harmony, greater readiness and greater understanding. Potential can be nurtured. The realms of potential are many. Although there are hundreds of locations of focused or concentrated energy within our body, there are however, seven specific energy centers referred to as chakras. The chakras are spinning vortexes of energy. When these energy centers are open and balanced, we more readily realize our potential for health, learning and creativity.
Each energy center has its own element, vibrational quality, pattern of energy and is associated with particular aspects of intelligence, perception and cognition. To enhance learning one must necessarily enhance the flow of energy through each of these centers. Energy is influenced by all we experience, physically, emotionally and spiritually. An imbalance of energies and stress are known to adversely effect one's well being as well as one's ability to focus, and meet the challenges of learning. Learning is an experience that taps into our physical, emotional and spiritual being.
APOGEE Acu-Tone™ employs a system of evaluation that allows the recipient to gain personal knowledge and feedback. The Acu-Tone™ session applies the tuning fork vibration to those energy channels and points that have been identified in the evaluation process. The sound is purely acoustic with a note range, of C - D - E - F - G - A - B. APOGEE Acu-Tone™ was first conceived several years before its public presentation.
Over a decade of experimentation and research was in place before its public introduction in 1983, as a sound healing and energy balancing system. Sound has been used as a healing force for thousands of years. All ancient civilizations used sound for healing. Traditional cultures still surviving today understand the remarkable healing power that lies in sound. Sound healing is the therapeutic application of sound frequencies to the body/mind of a person with the intention of bringing them into a state of harmony and health. The dictionary defines ‘harmony’ as ‘congruity of parts to their whole or to one another’. ‘Health’ is defined as ‘the state of being bodily and mentally vigorous and free of disease’.
Dr Alfred Tomatis (1920–2001) the French ear, nose and throat specialist, devoted over 50 years to understanding the ear and its function. He held that the ear is the most important of all our sense organs. The ear controls the body’s sense of balance, rhythm and movement and is the conductor of the entire nervous system.
In an APOGEE Acu-Tone™ session, sound vibration, via tuning forks are applied to specific points on and around the ear. Through the medulla, the auditory nerve connects with all the muscles of the body. Hence, muscle tone, equilibrium, flexibility and vision are affected by sound.
Through the vagus nerve, the inner ear connects with the larynx, heart, lungs, stomach, liver, bladder, kidneys, small intestine and large intestine. Every organ, bone, and cell in the body has its own resonant frequency. Together they make up a composite frequency like the instruments of an orchestra. When one organ in the body is out of tune it will affect the whole body.
The principle of entrainment explains how sound healing works and how APOGEE Acu-Tone™ delivers its benefits. A harmonious sound projected at a person who is in a state of disharmony will eventually bring them into resonance with the harmonious sound.
Our atoms, molecules, cells, glands and organs all have a vibrational frequency. Sounds from outside our body will stimulate sympathetic vibration in the molecules and cells of our body. APOGEE Acu-Tone™ through the use of specifically calibrated tuning forks applied to meridians, acupuncture points and cranium points, brings the recipient into a reported and visible state of balance, centeredness, and well being. Balancing of energies, deep relaxation, body awareness, and the ability to maintain focus, are significant considerations for children as well as adults who experience the effects of stress. 

APOGEE Acu-Tone™ has brought a myriad of benefits resulting in a feeling of well being, relaxation, keener awareness, ability to focus, maintain attention and a renewed readiness to learn. A heightened sense of self, in balance and in command, are consistently reported following an APOGEE Acu-Tone™ session. Children who have experienced an APOGEE Acu-Tone™ session state: 'just feel good,' 'quiet inside,' 'not nervous,' 'real cool,' 'wow neat,' 'happy,' 'headache is gone,' 'nothing hurts now,' 'all better,' 'ready to go,' 'awesome.'
The benefits, the integrity and the safety of this sounding modality have been documented from its introduction and development since 1983. All inquiries are welcomed and will be responded to.
Acu-Tone™ Sound Therapy ~ Tuning forks
As with a a piano, or any fine instrument, one's body can be tuned to a state of accord and balance. Applying the vibrations of tuning forks brings about changes in the body’s biochemistry, bringing the nervous system, muscle tone and organs into harmonic balance. The body is brought to a deep state of relaxation and feelings of well being.
Those who have experienced APOGEE Acu-Tone™ consistently have found the benefits to be welcomed and consistent:
•Provides instantaneous deep relaxation
•Balances physical energy
•Relieves stress by bringing your body into a centered space
•Awakens the life energy of your cells
•Eliminates tightness of muscles
•Reduces pain, tenderness, associated with injuries or stress
•Integrates left and right brain
•Brings the nervous system into balance
•Relieves headaches
•Fosters mental clarity and brain functioning
•Develops and refines sonic abilities
Inquiries Welcomed ~
Call for your FREE Introductory Consultation.
toll free: 1-866-228-8663
Leave a message and contact number for a return call.

Sunday, October 6, 2024

An Invitational Posting...The REBIS and The Sacred Geometry of the APOGEE LOGO...

A concept, a design, an innocent yet deeply feeling connection, and so the LOGO and so the The REBIS (from the latin res bina, meaning double matter) Behold the Symbolic accord, Each pictorial configuration, line by line in progression, put forth here speaks the message, the graphic depiction of the alchemic and sacred geometry of OUR BEING.

Do avail yourself of what is here put forth for YOU. YES, this an invitational posting. Here for your perusal on this blog

The graphic message of the Rebis depiction, (from the latin res bina, meaning double matter) is the end product of the alchemical "great work." After one has gone through purification, separating opposing qualities, those qualities are united once more in what is sometimes described as the divine hermaphrodite, a reconciliation of spirit and matter, a being of both male and female qualities as indicated by the two heads within a single body.
As too, the dynamic geometric square within the circle... a logo representing the codification as one, a step by step depiction of two circles into its one expressive perpetuation.
Trace the progression from the initial interface of the 2 circles to its completion as put forth. And so be known the truth of CREATION.
This in guidance received. This consistent in what learning, teaching, TRUTH and BEING beckon to be known. 🌀


APOGEE Acu-Tone™

Thursday, July 11, 2024



The PRIMORDIAL ~ Cardiovascular System

The first organ system to develop during organogenesis is the cardiovascular system. The heart has established its four chambers by four weeks of development, whereas week six involves cardiac outflow separation and descent of the heart (and lungs) into the thorax. The separation divides the truncus arteriosus into the ascending aorta and pulmonary artery; this occurs via spiraling of the aorticopulmonary septum.

Anatomically, the aorta and pulmonary appear to wrap around each other superior to the heart. That appearance is the result of embryologic spiraling. The aorticopulmonary septum may also be referred to as the spiral or conotruncal septum.

... and so we are to embrace the PRIMORDIAL...

Our first perceived sounding within the womb is the pulsing of the mother's heart and the vibrational call of the mother's presence. IT IS ANALOGUE... NOT DIGITAL Our receptivity is created breath by breath, pulsing by pulsing, holding to the very momentum of life itself. This in the moment, not recorded sounding,.has been, and is what has brought balance, comfort, stress abatement, pain relief, a sense of wellbeing and expressed joy, to hundreds since its formal introduction in 1983. The integrity and effect of experiencing analogue sound in the moment of creation is laudable. This the offering of APOGEE Acu-Tone™.
APOGEE Acu-Tone™ offers pure acoustic sounding to bring us to our Primordial BEING. Restorative frequencies feed our energetic need. We are enlivened to the SELF that calls to wellbeing. We are freed to explore our consciousness as cause and effect.

The heart is the first organ to develop. It is the organ that brings all in commune. The development of the heart begins as early as the third week of gestation with the 4-chamber fetal heart formed by gestational week 7. It involves complex biochemical signals, interactions, and specification of myocardial progenitor cells and heart tube looping. It has a primordial role that is to be honored. It has an ever present calling and a need for balance and harmonic accord. Working with the heart center, the heart meridian, and the related frequency is indeed honoring the primordial of our BEING.

Testimonials speak to the experienced myriad of benefits. Yes, our Primordial BEING is responsive to all that is sound, all that is vibration, all that has become part of our consciousness.

Pure acoustic sound/vibration brings one to be reborn onto SELF...This known by the ancients of Egypt as they created Sound Chambers within designated pyramids. Greek and Roman philosophers, sculptors and artists, put forth the interrelationship between, sound, form and structure as expressions of divine proportion and sacred geometry. Creation, be it of human life, animal life, plant life, mineral and crystal life, is the ever expressive spiral, vortex of form and sound. Creation offers Harmonic Alignment and Dynamic Stability.

YES, YOU will be guided in the application of designated tuning forks that you will make your own. Personalized instruction via personal Zoom and Telephone Sessions will be arranged to fit your schedule.

Pain relief, stress abatement, deep relaxation, energy balancing, and yes, facial vibrancy .. a skill set by your hand, by your intention, by your commitment to SELF.

All questions are welcomed.
Testimonials provided upon request.
~ Inquiries Welcomed ~
I welcome your call, your inquiry,
your commitment to your envisioned SELF.

Rose Marie Raccioppi, MS FABI
APOGEE Paradigm™

For Contact and More Information:

Rose Marie Raccioppi, MS FABI
Personal Empowerment Specialist™
APOGEE Paradigm™
APOGEE Acu-Tone™
All inquiries welcomed ~ All questions answered
Call for an appointment:
Available via Telephone and Zoom invitation
Rockland County, New York : 845-359-9056
Do leave a message and number for a return call.
FB messages welcomed.

HEART ... Harmonies, Exchange, Ascension, Revelation, the Truth of BEING...the golden alchemy of pulse, power, peace, PRESENCE.
know thy heart of golden light
alchemic treasure of breath and BEING
blessed be this precious jewel of SELF
hear its resounding rhythmic call
feel its pulsing power and grace
ever blessed BE.

Rose Marie Raccioppi
APOGEE Acu-Tone™


Friday, January 26, 2024

A Six Fold Path ~ A Kaleidoscopic Happening ~ A Dialogue ~ The Hexagon

A Six Fold Path

Chilled be the air, overcast be the sky, a cloak of white. The happening is kaleidoscopic. Turn, by turn, by turn, within the chambers of the kaleidoscope, bits, pieces, fragments, shards, a morphogenesis, and so emergent be the expressive sacred geometry, the interplay of color, form, structure, a configuration of light at this hour In the moment of capture.
kalid_2024, CAR, AM, Collectible Clicks, ©Rose Marie Raccioppi.
~ click image for full view ~
APOGEE Acu-Tone™
For Contact and More Information:
Rose Marie Raccioppi, MS FABI
Personal Empowerment Specialist™
APOGEE Paradigm™
APOGEE Acu-Tone™

All inquiries welcomed ~ All questions answered
Call for an appointment:
Rockland County, New York : 845-359-9056
You are welcomed to contact me via FB Message

How wondrous be the reflections within the 6 fold light captured by the kaleidoscope, and viewed by a willing eye. Yes... a carousel of delight, a circle of joyful beauty, a bit of whimsy to fill a breath touched by sacred geometry, and in the moment soulful intention. This the APOGEE Acu-Tone GLASSES NO MORE Program ™ A process, a practice, a volition.

*Understanding the Basics of Geometric Symbolism*
"The study of geometric symbolism is rooted in the belief that shapes hold inherent meanings that can be interpreted in various ways. This field of study has its roots in ancient civilizations, where shapes were seen as powerful symbols representing the fundamental forces of the universe.
Shapes, such as the circle, triangle, and square, have long been associated with specific qualities and concepts. Similarly, the hexagon has its own unique symbolism that can provide valuable insights into the spiritual realm.
The Role of Shapes in Spirituality
Shapes have played a significant role in spiritual practices across different cultures and religions. They are believed to possess energetic vibrations that can influence our consciousness and connect us to higher realms.
For example, circles are often associated with unity and wholeness, while squares represent stability and balance. Each shape carries its own energetic signature, and by understanding these symbols, we can gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us.
In addition to circles and squares, other shapes like triangles, pentagons, and octagons also hold symbolic significance in various spiritual traditions. Triangles, for instance, are often associated with the threefold nature of existence - mind, body, and spirit. Pentagons, on the other hand, are connected to the five elements - earth, water, fire, air, and spirit. And octagons represent the eight directions - north, south, east, west, northeast, northwest, southeast, and southwest.
The Hexagon: A Brief Overview
Now, let's turn our attention specifically to the hexagon. The hexagon is a six-sided polygon with straight sides, forming a symmetrical shape. Its name is derived from the Greek words "hexa" meaning six and "gonia" meaning angle.
The hexagon is commonly found in nature, from the honeycombs built by bees to the intricate patterns of snowflakes. This geometric shape has intrigued scientists, artists, and spiritual seekers for centuries.
Many ancient civilizations saw the hexagon as a symbol of harmony and balance. Its six sides were believed to represent the balance between the elements or the stages of a person's spiritual journey.
Furthermore, the hexagon's association with bees and honeycombs has led to its symbolism being linked to community, cooperation, and hard work. Bees, known for their diligent work in building intricate hexagonal structures, have long been seen as symbols of industry and collaboration.
Moreover, the hexagon's symmetrical and interconnected nature has also been associated with the concept of interconnectedness and interdependence. Just as the sides of a hexagon rely on each other for stability, so too do all aspects of life rely on one another for harmony and balance.
In spiritual practices, the hexagon is often used as a tool for meditation and visualization. By focusing on the hexagon's shape and contemplating its symbolism, individuals can tap into its energetic qualities and align themselves with the principles it represents.
Overall, the study of geometric symbolism, including the hexagon, offers a fascinating lens through which we can explore the deeper meanings and connections that exist within the world around us. By delving into these symbols and their associated concepts, we can expand our understanding of spirituality and gain valuable insights into ourselves and our place in the universe.

The Spiritual Significance of the Hexagon
The hexagon holds a deep spiritual significance across various religions and spiritual practices. Let's explore some of the ways in which this geometric shape is revered.

The Hexagon in Various Religions
The hexagon is prevalent in religious iconography, particularly in the Islamic and Jewish faiths. In Islamic culture, the hexagram, a six-pointed star formed by overlapping two equilateral triangles, is known as the Seal of Solomon. It is believed to symbolize the unity between heaven and earth.
In Judaism, the hexagon is associated with the Star of David, a powerful symbol representing the divine connection between humanity and the divine. It is said to embody the harmonious interaction between the spiritual and material realms.

The Hexagon and the Natural World
Looking to nature, we can find the hexagon in the patterns created by bees in their honeycombs. The intricate hexagonal cells are a marvel of efficiency and organization, serving as homes for bees and storage for their precious honey.
This natural formation of hexagons has captivated scientists and spiritual thinkers alike. The hexagon's presence in the natural world reminds us of the interconnectedness of all living things and the inherent order that exists within the universe.

The Hexagon in Sacred Geometry
In sacred geometry, the hexagon holds a prominent place. Sacred geometry is the study of geometric patterns that are believed to reflect the fundamental principles of reality.
The Meaning of Sacred Geometry
Sacred geometry is based on the idea that certain shapes, including the hexagon, hold divine proportions and mystical properties. These shapes are said to express the inherent order and harmony found in the universe.
Through the exploration of these geometric patterns, one can unlock deeper insights into the nature of existence and the interconnectedness of all things.

The Hexagon's Place in Sacred Geometry
The hexagon is considered a powerful symbol in sacred geometry due to its perfect symmetry and balance. It is believed to represent the harmony between the material and spiritual realms.

How the Hexagon Symbolizes Balance and Harmony
The hexagon's symmetrical shape is a visual representation of balance and harmony. Its six sides and angles work together seamlessly, forming a cohesive whole.
This symbolism can be applied to our own lives, serving as a reminder to cultivate balance and harmony in all aspects of our being.

The Hexagon in Art and Architecture
Beyond its spiritual and personal significance, the hexagon has also inspired artists and architects throughout history.

The Hexagon in Ancient Structures
Ancient cultures such as the Egyptians and Greeks incorporated hexagonal shapes into their artworks and architectural designs. The hexagon can be found in ancient temples, structures, and sacred monuments.
These ancient civilizations recognized the hexagon's symbolism and used it as a means to connect with the divine. By infusing their art and architecture with hexagonal patterns, they sought to create spaces that were spiritually uplifting and harmonious.

The Hexagon in Modern Design
Even in modern times, the hexagon continues to captivate designers and architects. Its symmetrical and visually appealing form lends itself well to contemporary design.
From interior spaces adorned with hexagonal tiles to futuristic-looking structures featuring hexagon-inspired facades, the hexagon remains a powerful symbol of balance, harmony, and spiritual connection.
The hexagon holds a profound spiritual meaning that has been recognized throughout history. Whether through its presence in religious symbolism, its connection to the natural world, or its role in sacred geometry, the hexagon serves as a reminder of the interconnectedness of all things and the transformative potential within us."

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

APOGEE Acu-Tone ~ Facial Vibrancy ~ YES ... in development...


APOGEE Acu-Tone ~ Facial Vibrancy
The look of vitality is indeed compelling. A face that reflects balance, relaxation, energy, radiance, and engagement, evokes interest and attention.
To feel facial tension dissolve, tone improve, eyes brighten, along with a feeling of well being and renewal is what has been consistently reported to occur as a result of an APOGEE Acu-Tone™ Facial Vibrancy experience.
Medical Grade Calibrated tuning forks are applied to facial and cranium bones. The vibrations are received and communicated to the cells. An entrainment, sound transformation, brings about the desired changes and the resulting renewal. Practices specific to your needs will be provided. Sessions, one to one, via internet

Founder/ Director
Established 1983

All questions are welcomed.
Testimonials provided upon request.
~ Inquiries Welcomed ~
I welcome your call, your inquiry,
your commitment to your envisioned SELF.
Rose Marie Raccioppi, MS FABI
APOGEE Paradigm™
For Contact and More Information:
Rose Marie Raccioppi, MS FABI
Personal Empowerment Specialist™
APOGEE Paradigm™
APOGEE Acu-Tone™
All inquiries welcomed ~ All questions answered
Call for an appointment:
Available via Telephone and Zoom invitation
Rockland County, New York : 845-359-9056
Do leave a message and number for a return call.
FB messages welcomed.

Sunday, November 19, 2023



More and more documented research has shown how significant music/sound is to memory. A familiar melody, a sound, and with it time and memory become present, alive, and newly real.
APOGEE Acu-Tone™ offers pure acoustic sounding to bring us to our Primordial BEING. Restorative frequencies feed our energetic need. We are enlivened to the SELF that calls to wellbeing. We are freed to explore our consciousness as cause and effect.
The heart is the first organ to develop. It is the organ that brings all in commune. The development of the heart begins as early as the third week of gestation with the 4-chamber fetal heart formed by gestational week 7. It involves complex biochemical signals, interactions, and specification of myocardial progenitor cells and heart tube looping. It has a primordial role that is to be honored. It has an ever present calling and a need for balance and harmonic accord. Working with the heart center, the heart meridian, and the related frequency is indeed honoring the primordial of our BEING.
Testimonials speak to the experienced myriad of benefits. Yes, our Primordial BEING is responsive to all that is sound, all that is vibration, all that has become part of our consciousness.
Pure acoustic sound/vibration brings one to be reborn onto SELF...This known by the ancients of Egypt as they created Sound Chambers within designated pyramids. Greek and Roman philosophers, sculptors and artists, put forth the interrelationship between, sound, form and structure as expressions of divine proportion and sacred geometry. Creation, be it of human life, animal life, plant life, mineral and crystal life, is the ever expressive spiral, vortex of form and sound. Creation offers Harmonic Alignment and Dynamic Stability.
YES, YOU will be guided in the application of designated tuning forks that you will make your own. Personalized instruction via personal Zoom and Telephone Sessions will be arranged to fit your schedule.
Pain relief, stress abatement, deep relaxation, energy balancing, and yes, facial vibrancy .. a skill set by your hand, by your intention, by your commitment to SELF.

All questions are welcomed.
Testimonials provided upon request.
~ Inquiries Welcomed ~
I welcome your call, your inquiry,
your commitment to your envisioned SELF.
Rose Marie Raccioppi, MS FABI
APOGEE Paradigm™
For Contact and More Information:
Rose Marie Raccioppi, MS FABI
Personal Empowerment Specialist™
APOGEE Paradigm™
APOGEE Acu-Tone™
All inquiries welcomed ~ All questions answered
Call for an appointment:
Available via Telephone and Zoom invitation
Rockland County, New York : 845-359-9056
Do leave a message and number for a return call.
FB messages welcomed.