Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Spinal Resonance ~ A Sounding Accord ~ Relief for Back, Neck and Shoulder Pain ... The APOGEE Paradigm™

Back Pain ~ APOGEE Acu-Tone™ in Response

The adjective 'chronic' is often associated with back pain, be it of the cervical, thoracic or lumbar spine. If we appreciate that the spine is the relay station in communication with each nerve plexus, (re: Nerve Plexus:  and associated organ systems, we certainly can appreciate that spinal health is core to well being. 

When a 'back pain sufferer' is referred to me, one's medical history and treatment history is taken into account before any of the services and procedures of APOGEE Acu-Tone™ are suggested.  Often it is stated, "...I have tried everything... nothing seems to help... it may help for a day or so... but the pain always comes back." I have gone on to explain that a 'quick fix' may be just that. I emphasize how important it is to understand cause and effect, as it relates to our habits of movement, our mindfulness, our belief systems, our emotions, our  attitudes, our eating habits, our perceived stressors, all influencing in their own special way the signals given to our body. Our body is ever in response to the myriad of inputs it receives, moment by moment. 

When, most recently, I learned of the pioneering work of, Kenneth K. Hansraj, M.D., as presented in his newly released book, "Keys to an Amazing Life: Secrets of the Cervical Spine," I was indeed most heartened. The tenets of care, knowledge to be embraced, practices to consider, life changes to put into place, in order to bring forward a healthy spine across the age span are those I most certainly subscribe to in the offerings of APOGEE Acu-Tone.™

Providing there is no counter indication, an APOGEE Acu-Tone™ Consultation is provided. Through the use of the body's own bio-feedback responses, each nerve plexus,  also known as  a 'chakra,'  is assessed for its relative strength and resultant flow of energy. The findings of this evaluative experience, guides the APOGEE Acu-Tone™ process. Vibrating calibrated tuning forks are placed on spinal, cranium, acupuncture and meridian points of the body. Tones are specific to the particular nerve plexus and vertebra. Through the process of entrainment, pain is relieved, energy flow is balanced, stressors are reduced, and a reported sense of relief and well being are brought forth.

I am pleased to report the consistency of benefits stated by those who have experienced the APOGEE Acu-Tone™ process. I welcome your perusal of posted testimonials. Yes, APOGEE Acu-Tone™ has been welcomed for its relief of pain brought to those who have suffered, "chronic back, neck and shoulder pain." 

Image Credit and detailed presentation of: Keith Bridwell, MD, Orthopaedic Surgeon, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO:

Cervical7NeckC1 – C7
Thoracic12ChestT1 – T12
Lumbar5 or 6Low BackL1 – L5
Sacrum5 (fused)PelvisS1 – S5

To further clarify:

Unity, accord, entrainment, the inherent potential and effect of sound upon body, mind and substance. These the very principles known by ancient cultures. Sound as the voice of Creation, respected, harnessed and used to build, to move, to structure. These principles lived in all aspects of development by the ancient Egyptians. Sound known as primal power, as form, as structure, as cell communication within all living forces. The principles of sound/vibration known and cultivated to serve mankind by ancient Egyptian, Chinese and Indian cultures, are integrated into the processes and practices of APOGEE Acu-Tone™yes,  ancient teachings in modern day application. 

The benefits, the integrity and the safety of this sounding modality have been documented from its introduction and development since 1983. All inquiries are welcomed and will be responded to.

APOGEE Acu-Tone™ Sound Therapy ~ Tuning forks:

As with a a piano, or any fine instrument, one's body can be tuned to a state of accord and balance. Applying the vibrations of tuning forks brings about changes in the body’s response systems, bringing the nervous system, muscle tone and organs into harmonic balance. The body is brought to a deep state of relaxation and feelings of well being.

An added word: APOGEE Acu-Tone Spinal Resonance™

When we experience discomfort, pain, tension, or a malady, it is the body’s way of alerting us to need. Every cell, every organ, every system, has its particular communication. Communication can be balanced, flowing, bringing a feeling of wellbeing. Communication can be blocked, responsive to need, and experienced as a myriad of symptoms. Cell communication is the key to healthy function. Cell communication is a vibratory message. There is an inherent intelligence for survival. It is the intelligence of the cell. Our moment to moment feeling is the summation of what signals each cell, each organ, each system of our body.

APOGEE Acu-Tone Spinal Resonance™ is based on the principle of entrainment (biology: of a rhythm or something that varies rhythmically) cause (another) gradually to fall into synchronism with it. ) The restorative frequencies are applied via the application of two tuning forks on two specific corresponding points. Such a process brings the restorative frequencies in communication, opening the blocked pathways, as one point application entrains with the other point application. 

There is a feeling of deep relaxation, pain and stiffness are eased, a new sense of energy is experienced.  All will become clear as the process takes place. 

Those who have experienced APOGEE Acu-Tone™ consistently have found the benefits to be welcomed and consistent:

•Provides instantaneous deep relaxation
•Balances physical energy
•Relieves stress by bringing your body into a centered space
•Awakens the life energy of your cells
•Eliminates tightness of muscles
•Reduces pain, tenderness, associated with injuries or stress
•Integrates left and right brain
•Brings the nervous system into balance
•Relieves headaches
•Fosters mental clarity and brain functioning
•Develops and refines sonic abilities

Inquiries Welcomed ~ 
Call for your Introductory Consultation.
Rose Marie Raccioppi, MS FABI
toll free: 1-866-228-8663

APOGEE Acu-Tone™ ~ Vibrational Sound Therapy: What is known ~ what is applied ~ Vibration and the APOGEE Acu-Tone™ Paradigm:
Reference is made to 'harmonic cell communication," and so an added word on HARMONY...

"While with an eye made quiet by the power
Of harmony, and the deep power of joy,
We see into the life of things."

William Wordsworth (7 April 1770 – 23 April 1850) was a major English Romantic poet.

As I read these words of William Wordsworth, the depths of poetry were revealed, the mission of my life's work as a sound therapist, and my passion for poetic expression, became ONE. HARMONY be the questing state of BEING. This the APOGEE Paradigm™, defined when I was but seven years of age as my calling, my destiny. The poet, the educator, the artist, the advocate, the activist, the exploration, the discovery, the receiving, the giving, the offerings... each and all to bring HARMONY...

Be of...

Yielding ... to the light, the grace, the resounding pulse of Life itself.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Brighten your mood, bring vibrancy to your face and a bounce to your step... The Sphenoid and Pelvic Bones...The APOGEE Paradigm™.

“As Above, so Below; as Below, so Above.”
The Principle of Correspondence
The Kybalion

Female Pelvis

Male Pelvis

Sphenoid Bone

Bone as Form and Conductor

The structure of bone as form and conductor of sound has led to the development and refinement of APOGEE Acu-Tone.™ By placing calibrated vibrating tuning forks to specific points on the sphenoid bone and ear, facial vibrancy comes forward. By placing onto the pelvic bones, an ease of gait, a more secure sense of balance and a sure footed stance comes forward.

The sphenoid and the pelvic bones are themselves resonant chambers. Each articulate with other bones and both house and protect organ systems. The specific tuning fork vibrations brought to these bones carry harmonic cell signaling,  experienced and reported as a deep sense of relaxation, renewal, and well being. 

As one observes the sphenoid bone of the skull and the pelvic bones,  one can only marvel at the divinity of these structures, wings indeed, and so the soaring intention of creation made manifest.

"That which is above is as that which is below,  and that which is below is as that which is above,  to perform the miracles of the One Thing."  The Emerald Table of Hermes Trismegistus*

YES,  Brighten your mood, bring vibrancy to your face and a bounce to your step...  Restorative Frequencies are carried by bone to the nervous system, and organs of the body. Bone conducts, and we are tuned and orchestrated for wellbeing. 

To further clarify:

The benefits, the integrity and the safety of this sounding modality have been documented from its introduction and development since 1983. All inquiries are welcomed and will be responded to.

APOGEE Acu-Tone™ Sound Therapy ~ Tuning forks:

As with a a piano, or any fine instrument, one's body can be tuned to a state of accord and balance. Applying the vibrations of tuning forks brings about changes in the body’s response systems, bringing the nervous system, muscle tone and organs into harmonic balance. The body is brought to a deep state of relaxation and feelings of well being.

Those who have experienced APOGEE Acu-Tone™ consistently have found the benefits to be welcomed and consistent:

•Provides instantaneous deep relaxation
•Balances physical energy
•Relieves stress by bringing your body into a centered space
•Awakens the life energy of your cells
•Eliminates tightness of muscles
•Reduces pain, tenderness, associated with injuries or stress
•Integrates left and right brain
•Brings the nervous system into balance
•Relieves headaches
•Fosters mental clarity and brain functioning
•Develops and refines sonic abilities

Inquiries Welcomed ~ 
Call for your Introductory Consultation.
toll free: 1-866-228-8663

APOGEE Acu-Tone™ ~ Vibrational Sound Therapy: What is known ~ what is applied ~ Vibration and the APOGEE Acu-Tone™ Paradigm

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Ancient Sound Healing ~ Present Day APOGEE Acu-Tone™

Ancient Sound Healing

By Annaliese and John Stuart Reid

Most ancient cultures used the seemingly magical power of sound to heal. Sound healing had almost disappeared in the west until the 1930s when acoustic researchers discovered ultrasound and its medical properties. With this discovery, research burgeoned and today the ancient art of sound healing is rapidly developing into a new science. (For information on sound healing in modern times please see our article 'Rediscovering the Art & Science of Sound Healing.')

Aboriginal Sound Healing

The Aboriginal people of Australia are the first known culture to heal with sound. Their ‘yidaki' (modern name, didgeridoo) has been used as a healing tool for at least 40,000 years. The Aborigines healed broken bones, muscle tears and illnesses of every kind using their enigmatic musical instrument. Interestingly, the sounds emitted by the yidaki are in alignment with modern sound healing technology. It is becoming apparent that the wisdom of the ancients was based on ‘sound' principles.

The most ancient of all sound healing instruments—the Yidaki

Sound Healing in Ancient Egypt

The Egyptian culture extends back to 4000 BC and they have a long tradition of vowel sound chant. A Greek traveler, Demetrius, circa 200 B.C., wrote that the Egyptians used vowel sounds in their rituals:

‘In Egypt, when priests sing hymns to the Gods they sing the seven vowels in due succession and the sound has such euphony that men listen to it instead of the flute and the lyre.'

Sonic Rebirth
A hypothetical sound healing ritual in the King's Chamber
(The recipient is lying in the sarcophagus)

The Corpus Hermeticum also contains a reference to the Egyptian's use of sound as distinct from words. This book was probably redacted in the 1st century AD but it is believed to be much older, possible as early as 1400 BC:

In a letter from Asklepios to King Amman [he says]: ‘As for us, we do not use simple words but sounds all filled with power.'

The Egyptians believed that vowel sounds were sacred, so much so that their written hieroglyphic language contains no vowels. We can, therefore, safely assume that vowel sound chant carried a powerful significance for their priests.

Egyptian priestesses used sistra, a type of musical rattle instrument with metal discs that creates not only a pleasant jangling sound but, as we now know, also generates copious amounts of ultrasound. Ultrasound is an effective healing modality and is used today in hospitals and clinics so it is entirely possible that ceremonies in which many sistra were used were not merely employed to enhance the musical soundscape but were intended to enhance the healing effect.

In the wall scene below, from a building erected by Queen Hatshepsut, three priestesses play sistra, accompanying a harpist, another instrument known to have healing qualities.


The healing chapel at Deir el-Bahari, Thebes, was dedicated to Amenhotep-son-of-Hapu, a deified healing saint closely associated with Imhotep—who is largely recognized under the title of 'physician.' Imhotep's repute was so great that 1,500 years after his death the Greeks identified him with their healing god Asclepius. These two deified men—Amenhotep-son-of-Hapu and Imhotep—were usually worshipped together in the same Egyptian healing temples. John Stuart Reid's acoustics research in the pyramids has provided strong evidence that the Egyptians designed their chapels and burial chambers to be reverberant in order to enhance sonic-based ceremonies. Reid underwent a significant healing of his lower back during his experiments in the King's Chamber that he attributes to the resonant properties of the sarcophagus. He conjectures that the acoustic resonance was deliberately contrived by the Egyptian architects and thinks it very likely that they were aware of the healing properties of sound long before the Greeks.

Sound Healing in Ancient Greece

The Greek, Pythagoras (circa 500 BC) was, in a very real sense, the father of music therapy. The Pythagoras Mystery School, based on the island of Crotona, taught the use of flute and lyre as the primary healing instruments and although none of Pythagoras' writings have come down to us we know of his philosophy and techniques from many contemporary writers. With his monochord—a single-stringed musical instrument that uses a fixed weight to provide tension—Pythagoras was able to unravel the mysteries of musical intervals.

Iamblichus noted that:

‘Pythagoras considered that music contributed greatly to health, if used in the right way…He called his method 'musical medicine'…To the accompaniment of Pythagoras' his followers would sing in unison certain chants…At other times his disciples employed music as medicine, with certain melodies composed to cure the passions of the psyche...anger and aggression.'


In the Greco-Roman period healing temples were used for ‘incubation,' a process in which patients underwent ‘dream sleep,' among other known modalities. It seems likely that music was used therapeutically during their stay. The reverberant spaces of the healing temples and sanatoria would have enhanced the therapeutic aspects of musical instruments, mainly a function of the parallel-facing stone walls.

The Sanatorium at Dendera, Egypt 
Note the small cells where patients would undergo dream sleep incubation and music therapy

Returning to the use of vowel sound chant—the production of vocal sounds rather than words—many eastern cultures developed variations of chant for healing and for spiritual ascension. Studies have shown that vowel sound chant can bring about many positive physiological changes in the body, and create an altered state of consciousness in which the chanter becomes serene.

An example, among many cultures that use vowel sound chant, are the Tibetan monks who have a tradition extending back at least a thousand years. One of the earliest western scholars to reach Cathay (modern day Tibet but then a province of China) was Sir Gilbert Hay, the architect of Rosslyn Chapel, near Edinburgh, Scotland. It is assumed that Sir Gilbert would have encountered the monks in Cathay and their now famous gong-making science. By sprinkling sand on a gong, then striking the central area, tuning in ancient times (and even today by some makers) is achieved. If the resulting sand patterns were asymmetrical the gong maker would continue to shape and beat the metal.


As a musical instrument the gong has wonderful healing properties because it contains virtually the whole spectrum of audible sound. Human cells, immersed in the gong's sound field, absorb the frequencies they need—a kind of sonic food—and reject what is not needed. We cannot know for certain whether Sir Gilbert brought back this healing knowledge to Scotland but anyone who has experienced the wonderful acoustics of the Rosslyn Crypt will know that this is not accidental. It is also likely that Sir Gilbert acquired cymatics knowledge in Cathay that he employed in creation of the Rosslyn Cubes. These are cube-like carved stone structures that decorate the ceiling of the Lady Chapel and in which he embedded a sacred melody in cymatic sound symbols. Thomas and Stuart Mitchell recently decoded this music and it takes the form of the beautiful Rosslyn Motet.

The Apprentice Pillar and Musical Cubes, Rosslyn Chapel

In conclusion, sound healing has a rich tradition reaching back thousands of years although following the Tibetan monk's experiments with sound healing in the 1400's there is a gap of around 450 years during which this ancient art seemed to almost die out. It wasn't until 1936 that our story of sound healing in the modern era begins.

Content courtesy of John Stuart and Analiese Shandra Reid
Copyright (c) 2011. All Rights Reserved.

Rediscovering the art and science of Sound healing

John Stuart Reid and Annaliese Kohinoor illustrate how sound is fast regaining its place as the pre-eminent healing modality. Having been first used by the ancients, sound therapy has undergone a period of re-discovery and is now poised to reveal the intricacies of healing both at the cellular and psychological levels.

A Revolutionary Energy Balancing Paradigm.

All inquiries welcomed ~ All questions answered
Call for an appointment
Rockland County, New York : 845-359-9056

The Revelation of the Pyramids Pt 1 0f 7 (playlist)

Do enjoy the full presentation of all seven parts posted on You Tube.