Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Sound Vibration Creates Form ( David Icke )

APOGEE Paradigm™

It is ALL SOUND... ALL VIBRATION...Vibrations heard, vibrations silent. Be it color upon a palette, paint upon a canvas, pen upon the paper, a vision, a thought, a state of BEING... it is the form, it is the structure of sound. This the balancing, the healing force of APOGEE Acu-Tone™ in its offerings of pain relief, deep relaxation, facial vibrancy, renewed energy and the consciousness of wellbeing. Rose Marie Raccioppi: All Inquiries Welcomed. 

 You are invited to peruse the posted articles that document the benefits 
enjoyed by hundreds across the age span. 

The benefits, the integrity and the safety of this sounding modality 
have been documented from its introduction and development since 1983.
All inquiries are welcomed and will be responded to.

Those who have experienced APOGEE Acu-Tone™
have found the benefits
to be welcomed and consistent:

•Provides instantaneous deep relaxation•
•Balances physical energy•
•Relieves stress by bringing your body into a centered space•
•Awakens the life energy of your cells•
•Eliminates tightness of muscles•
•Reduces pain, tenderness, associated with injuries or stress•
•Promotes Facial Vibrancy•
•Brings forth emotional release•
•Integrates left and right brain•
•Advances creative expression in all art forms•
•Provides attention enhancement• 
•Brings the nervous system into balance•
•Relieves headaches•
•Fosters mental clarity and brain functioning•
•Develops and refines sonic abilities•

SOUND as the Beginning... the BIG BANG, the WORD, the LOGOS,
 the APOGEE Acu-Tone Paradigm ...
SOUND ... Spirit Omnipresence Universal Nurture Divine ... 

...a primordial treasure...

APOGEE Acu-Tone™ initially provides an evaluation to ascertain function and need. Based upon this evaluation a personal protocol is established. The protocol includes, but not limited to, pure acoustic sound application, a nutritional program, breathing exercises, movement exercises, and specific strategies that address 'how' we sit, stand, rest, walk, think, perceive... all to be in accord with need, form and structure. It is truly a holistic integrated paradigm.

Inquiries Welcomed ~ 
Call for your FREE Introductory Consultation.
toll free: 1-866-228-8663
Tappan, New York

APOGEE Acu-Tone™ ~ Vibrational Sound Therapy: What is known ~ what is applied ~ Vibration and the APOGEE Acu-Tone™ Paradigm:

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