Saturday, April 19, 2014

Ancient Egypt and the Story of Mankind's Origins

APOGEE Paradigm™

It is with deep gratitude that I express PRAISE for this lucid presentation. As a pioneering sound therapist, in private practice since 1983, and having been fascinated by the call of Ancient Egypt since 7 years of age, experienced as the message of THOTH, I feel so deeply validated by the presentation on the sound healing technologies of the pyramids (sound excerpt starts at: 31.46);  for this is what I have envisioned for over 60 years. 

The light of the moon in its APOGEE has defined a Paradigm of Sound Healing. APOGEE Acu-Tone™ embraces the truths of, Ancient Egypt and the Story of Mankind's Origins,  here brought forward. 

Call for your Introductory Consultation:

Rose Marie Raccioppi, MS FABI
APOGEE Acu-Tone™
toll free: 1-866-228-8663

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Sounding the Inner Landscapes of BEING...

The APOGEE Paradigm

All is vibration, all is sound. Deep beyond perception is the inner sounding of consciousness, that of every memory, every experience, every influence, every inner word. Know that vibration structures formlessness. Know that the rhythmic pulsing of heart and the pulsing of blood flow through your body is a tone divine. Know that a finely tuned body orchestrates its life giving power to each living cell, to each organ and to each organ system. By the application of restorative frequencies,  APOGEE Acu-Tone™,  tones, balances, relaxes, rejuvenates the body, calms the mind, supporting life's quest for wellbeing.

Experience the healing, balancing, energizing, pain relieving, comforting effects of calibrated tuning forks applied therapeutically to acupuncture and cranium points. Experience the delights of facial vibrancy. Deeply relax to sound pipes, bells, chimes, and a variety of sounding instruments.

Is this a promotion? Most certainly... the time has come to bring this non-invasive, safe, effective, energizing, restorative, healing modality forward. 

Call for your Introductory Consultation:

Rose Marie Raccioppi, MS FABI
APOGEE Acu-Tone™
toll free: 1-866-228-8663

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

"Mens sana in corpore sano," Latin, Sound mind ~ sound body... each in response to the other.

APOGEE Paradigm™

It is calling for understanding. It is calling for consideration. It is a Paradigm that holds to the fundamentals of sound/vibration as being the creation of form and structure. It is a Paradigm based on the wisdom of the ancients as well as the findings of present day science. It is the applied integration of the principles of Chinese Medicine, Yoga Science, ancient Egyptian sound healing practices and the teachings of The Emerald Tablets, THOTH.

The psychic Edgar Cayce predicted that the medicine of the future would be sound. The German philosopher Rudolf Steiner predicted that “...pure tones will be used for healing before the end of this century.”  Nicola Tesla stated:  “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."

APOGEE Acu-Tone™,  after a decade of comprehensive research and development was established in 1983.  The prophesy of the future is NOW. Do peruse the articles posted on this blog to learn more of the documented and ongoing benefits for both children and adults. 

Experience the healing, balancing, energizing, pain relieving, comforting effects of calibrated tuning forks therapeutically applied to acupuncture and cranium points. Experience the delights of facial vibrancy. Deeply relax to sound pipes, bells, chimes,  and a variety of sounding instruments. Restorative Frequencies offered to bring forth "Mens sana in corpore sano,"  Latin, Sound mind ~ sound body... each in response to the other. Personal Consultations by appointment. Inquiries Welcomed. 

Call for your Introductory Consultation:
Rose Marie Raccioppi, MS FABI
APOGEE Paradigm™
toll free: 1-866-228-8663

Monday, April 7, 2014

R o s a c e a... a major flare up... and a responsive paradigm...

...modern day application of ancient wisdom...

Each celestial body, in fact each and every atom, produces a particular sound on account of its movement, its rhythm or vibration. All these sounds and vibrations form a universal harmony in which each element, while having it’s own function and character, contributes to the whole. 
 Pythagoras (569-475 BC)

Rosacea... a major flare up... and a responsive paradigm...

Rosacea is the body's response to its inner fire, flame, an inflammatory condition. It is to be understood from all that the body is exposed to, ingests, experiences.

A recent development of this condition and a significant flareup showing itself as bright red patches on each cheek, the right more intensely red than the left, lines and blotches of red on the forehead, as well as the reddening of the whites of the eyes, prompted a consultation to explore contributing factors.

The body, the mind, the spirit, is ever in response, to what one is exposed to, what one ingests, what one thinks, how one perceives stress and stress response mechanisms.

An energetic evaluation identified the particular energy centers that called for attention. Issues associated with each of the energy centers were explored. An opportunity to 'confront' the consciousness associated with these issues was provided. Restorative Frequencies were furnished via the APOGEE Acu-Tone™ Paradigm of Sound/Vibrational Therapy.  During and following APOGEE Acu-Tone™ Restorative Frequency application, the intensity of the reddening was significantly reduced. Concomitant statements of feeling, 'relaxed',  "calmer," "less tense." "not as anxious," were initiated by the recipient.

It was reported during a call to the recipient the following morning, "the improvement is certainly there," "the redness is really reduced," " "feeling better..."

The body in its myriad of ways calls out for our attention. Be it with pain, fatigue, anxiety, inflammation, perceived stress, ill health and disease. We are to be responsive to its call and the nature of its signaling. We are to decode the physical, the environmental, the attitudinal, the very consciousness that brings one to its particular state of BEING. This decoding is what The APOGEE Acu-Tone Paradigm™ offers to those who seek the wisdom of SELF, and are willing to be responsive to the axioms of well being.
The benefits, the integrity and the safety of this sounding modality 
have been documented from its introduction and development since 1983.
All inquiries are welcomed and will be responded to.

•Provides instantaneous deep relaxation•
•Balances physical energy•
•Relieves stress by bringing your body into a centered space•
•Awakens the life energy of your cells•
•Eliminates tightness of muscles•
•Reduces pain, tenderness, associated with injuries or stress•
•Promotes Facial Vibrancy•
•Brings forth emotional release•
•Integrates left and right brain•
•Advances creative expression in all art forms•
•Provides attention enhancement• 
•Brings the nervous system into balance•
•Relieves headaches•
•Fosters mental clarity and brain functioning•
•Develops and refines sonic abilities•

A Podcast for your listening:
Your Body Is Talking To You
Rose Marie Raccioppi Interviewed

Personal Consultations and Workshop Presentations are now being offered. 

Call for your Introductory Consultation
Rose Marie Raccioppi, MS FABI
APOGEE Paradigm™
toll free: 1-866-228-8663

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

P A I N ... transformation be its call...

P A I N ... P A I N ... the hue and cry ... transformation be its call... within lies the Power of Awareness, the Instinct to respond to Need... heed its messaging... cells in responsive protection... This the art and science of APOGEE Acu-Tone™ ... reestablishing harmonic cell communication... restorative frequencies to relieve pain, activate healing, and rebalance discordant energies. Thrilled with the ongoing results of benefit and well being. ALL inquiries Welcomed.

The benefits, the integrity and the safety of this sounding modality 
have been documented from its introduction and development since 1983.
All inquiries are welcomed and will be responded to.

•Provides instantaneous deep relaxation•
•Balances physical energy•
•Relieves stress by bringing your body into a centered space•
•Awakens the life energy of your cells•
•Eliminates tightness of muscles•
•Reduces pain, tenderness, associated with injuries or stress•
•Promotes Facial Vibrancy•
•Brings forth emotional release•
•Integrates left and right brain•
•Advances creative expression in all art forms•
•Provides attention enhancement• 
•Brings the nervous system into balance•
•Relieves headaches•
•Fosters mental clarity and brain functioning•
•Develops and refines sonic abilities•

A Podcast for your listening:
Your Body Is Talking To You
Rose Marie Raccioppi Interviewed

Personal Consultations and Workshop Presentations are now being offered. 

Call for your Introductory Consultation
Rose Marie Raccioppi, MS FABI
APOGEE Paradigm™
toll free: 1-866-228-8663

Upon entry it was observed that the eyes were not aligned, one appeared smaller than the other, one eyebrow higher than the other, a dull affect was evident and reported as feeling stressed, confused, not oneself. Through direct body biofeedback, (Re: Kinesiology) it was determined which energy centers were functioning in a compromised state.

Discussion followed that identified the circumstances and the persons perceived as being problematic. Steps defining resolve were explored.

The called for restorative frequencies were determined, applied to cranium points, ear acupuncture points, and reflexology points on both hands and feet via calibrated tuning forks. This was followed by a 'sound shower' of 528 Hz and 999 Hz. Focused attention on specific joint areas of the body, followed by whole body breathing, brought the session to a close.

Post completion of the session, eyes were aligned, of equal size openings, posture was centered, comfortable and equally balanced on left and right sides. Voice was deeper and more resonant. A feeling of ease with self, renewed energy, a spontaneous smile and an expressed feeling of 'feeling good' was reported. At this much improved and much desired state of being, there was a verbalized sense that all would be able to be worked out to his advantage after all. (Session: April 1, 2014)