Many program offerings billed as "Life Changing” have been put forth. After having the blessings of working with scores of families, and hundreds of students, for the past 33 years, from kindergarten, elementary grades. junior high school, high school, college, graduate school, law school, medical school, and professional certification and licensing programs, CHANGE has come to mean:
…the expression of one’s ……………….Creative instincts
…the acceptance of one’ ……………….Heartfelt knowing
…the willingness to face one’s deeper .....Awareness
…the appreciation of the need for ……....Nurturance
…the living and the declaration of ……...Gratitude
…the understanding of the power of …....Exchange
If we are to operate in the world of BEING we are to understand what is meant by exchange. How do we satisfy an institution’s requirement, a superior’s implied power, the demands of a work environment, the expectations of particular levels of performance, and be appropriately supportive of our personal perspectives and needs? Such principles of care and support are surprisingly simple. Knowing the difference between need and desire is a significant first step. We are the ultimate creators of our thoughts and perceptions, we are the deciders and the ultimate doers.
The training that indeed becomes ‘Life Changing”, one that calls for moment to moment awareness, one that requires honesty with self, one that accepts the role of cause, and understands effect, one that empowers breath by breath, is the adherence, the living of the Four Agreements and the integration of the Fifth Agreement, the Toltec Wisdom put forth by Don Miguel Ruiz. Such understanding and practice becomes the ultimate exchange… the exchange of Self with Self… engaging, effective, efficient, energizing. APOGEE Acu-Tone™has integrated these principles and practices in THE WINNING WARRIOR Program. YOU are indeed the CHANGE you choose to BE.
The WINNING WARRIOR Program is based upon the integration of eastern and western principles of growth, development. learning and wellbeing. Whole Brain, Whole Body, Whole Self requires an awareness of what is present, what is needed and what is to be provided.
The WINNING WARRIOR Seven Point Program offers:
1. The Basis for Health and Vitality
2. Breath, Power and Focus
3. Intention, Attention and Perseverance
4. Exercises - Readiness for Action
5. Learning an Integrative Approach
6. Communication and Creativity
7. The SELF defined
Integrating the Winning Warrior Program™ with the Five Agreements has proven to be empowering as well as liberating physically, mentally, spiritually. A change in consciousness, a change in perception, a change in the habits of BEING, DOING, HAVING.
For Personal Enrollment and/or more information contact:
Rose Marie Raccioppi, MS FABI
Founder Director
APOGEE Acu-Tone™
Vibrational Sound Therapy
Tappan, New York