Tuesday, January 14, 2020

The QUEST that is the very Breath of SELF....Tony Awards Brian Stokes Mitchell

A record I treasure that is played with the fullness of JOY... yes, each word in alignment with the speaking of heart and the beckoning of soul in purpose defined. YES, a destiny shared... a quest ever present,,, it is the very breath of BEING. BRAVO!! Each word celebrates the vision, the moment, the knowing, the deliverance unto SELF. And so too, this life called, 'mine' chooses to live the destiny, the quest, called to me when 7 years of age.

A voice, from where it came, I know not. Could it have been a sounding echo from my inner vision? A vision of a world where harmony was known as life itself, where dissonance was moved to divine orchestration, where love was known beyond burden, beyond resentment, beyond projection,  beyond the hurt I felt, beyond the rejection I lived, beyond the betrayal experienced. Yes, this voice heard at 7 years of age,  when in attendance at an orchestra performance, at PS 179, New York City, my first such experience. As the orchestra 'tuned up' and the conductor summoned the start of the music, I was taken to heart's place, tears filled my eyes, and the words from afar were heard, "You are destined to "tune up' the world."

An so THE QUEST...  in its ever present expression, its ever present evolution, in its ever present exchange of SELF... 

Rose Marie Raccioppi, MS FABI
Founder Director
APOGEE Acu-Tone™
APOGEE Paradigm™ 
Tappan, New York

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