Sunday, June 27, 2021

A Kaleidoscopic happening.... GLASSES NO MORE...


Kaleidoscope ever present reflection of sacred geometry, color and structure holding to the LIGHT... There is a practice of sun gazing into a kaleidoscope that is magically enhancing to our BEING. A practice that is part of my everyday gift onto SELF. If you wish to learn how simple and yet profound this practice is, we can arrange a telephone visit.
You are only a Kaleidoscope and a call away
testimonials upon request
delightfully welcomed benefits await YOU.

    • The name is derived from the Greek words kalos (“beautiful”), eïdos (“form”), and skopeïn (“to view”). The kaleidoscope was invented by Sir David Brewster about 1816 and patented in 1817. The kaleidoscope illustrates the image-forming properties of combined, inclined mirrors.

    And so the magic of the kaleidoscope is the reflection upon itself: "image-forming properties of combined, inclined mirrors" thus creating patterns of forms in symmetrical perfection, a sacred geometry emerges, one constellation of reflected form and light gives over to yet another, and another constellation. There is a ceaseless transformation, a constant flow of configured beauty with each new turning, each new spin. Be this metaphoric, symbolic, of consciousness, time, and BEING. 

    Yes, the mystery, the majesty, the momentum of our spinning Earth, the circling of planets, the motion of stars, become metaphorically known with each turn of the kaleidoscope. 

    Savor the delights of connections, and integration... the distillation in deliverance... as the practice proves itself in improved vision and new found clarity. 

    Yes, there is an indescribable flight of fancy to behold.

Rose Marie Raccioppi, MS FABI
Personal Empowerment Specialist™
APOGEE Paradigm™
APOGEE Acu-Tone™
All inquiries welcomed ~ All questions answered
Call for an appointment:
Rockland County, New York : 845-359-9056

Friday, June 25, 2021

An invitation to read, to reflect, to act ~ “Know Thyself”


An invitation to read, to reflect, to act...

“Know Thyself” ~ Remember and Resolve... It is the way of the spiritual warrior... it is the way to personal freedom ...
“Know Thyself" presents itself as timeless. An ancient writing called the, Upanishads, presents a dialogue that consistently advises the importance of self knowledge. One is to fully appreciate and understand the workings of the body, mind and spirit, specific to one’s emotions, goals, visions and preferences. To separate out what impressions of self is true to the very nature of self, from impressions of self given by others, allows one to come closer to the truth of self. “Know Thyself," "Nosce Te Ipsum," was written on the forecourt of the temple of Apollo at Delphi. It is a directive that has guided both Eastern and Western cultures.
From the Greek Temple of Apollo to modern time, to the APOGEE Paradigm™, "Nosce Te Ipsum," are three words that impart huge meaning, spiritual depth and personal truth in our lives more than ever before. A proverb passed through time as a reminder of each individual's own divine self. To “Know Thyself” one must look deep within oneself; to find true inner peace as well as purpose; to see thyself as thy truly are, with a non-judgemental eye. A reminder of one's potential for true enlightenment and inspiration for life's journey.
Thoughts, memories, projections, imaginings, signal the very pulse of BEING. Pay heed to these callings of consciousness that petition revelation, attention, understanding and resolve. The body is the messenger of what touches, influences, supports, violates, denies, validates. We are to be seekers, in quest to decode these consistent cell signaling alerts. They are not to be quelled nor denied. They are to be understood as cause and effect, understood as symptoms of need, understood for the truths they beckon to reveal.
WE HAVE THE POWER to rise above imposed shadows of limitation, dismay, despondency, disease ~ this our destined evolution of BEING...This the offerings of APOGEE Acu-Tone™… ONTO SELF BE KNOWN.
TELE~RESTORE™ ... YES... a call away... integrated Body~Mind~Breath, Restorative Practices ~ documented benefits...
Rose Marie Raccioppi, MS FABI
Personal Empowerment Specialist
APOGEE Paradigm™
APOGEE Acu-Tone™
All inquiries welcomed ~ All questions answered
Call for an appointment:
Rockland County, New York : 845-359-9056
Image: KNOW THYSELF ~ Roman mosaic From Via Αppia, National Roman Museum, Rome, Italy.
YES, we are to know, to respect, the intelligence of creation, to appreciate every cell, every bone, every organ, every structure within our body signals and becomes part of our consciousness, part of our experience, that calls for acknowledgement, understanding, confront and resolve. TRUTH ever calling onto itself for the ultimate GOOD of SELF. Yes, the knowing of self, the glory and praise of the GOD within.
Rose Marie Raccioppi, MS FABI

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Lunar APOGEE in 2021 ~

 Lunar APOGEE in 2021 ~

... and so let the G A M E S start... the alchemists are the Givers, those who Ascend, those who Manifest, those of Evolution, those of Spirit embraced by the SUN. Playful and discerning be their craft. Purposeful and noble be their deeds. Transcendent and magical be their dreams.
...and for some APOGEE becomes a destiny... to reach the reflected light of the sun onto the moon at its furthest distance from Earth's planes. PRAISE to the seeker that finds the most distant light to be ever near.
apogee |ˈapəjē|
noun Astronomy
the point in the orbit of the moon or a satellite at which it is furthest from the earth. The opposite of perigee .
• figurative the highest point in the development of something; the climax or culmination of something...
The moon's distance from Earth varies throughout its monthly orbit because the moon's orbit isn't perfectly circular. Every month, the moon's eccentric orbit carries it to apogee – its most distant point from Earth – and then, some two weeks later, to perigee – the moon's closest point to Earth in its monthly orbit.

The moon in its distant orbit so very far
At the APOGEE be this light, be this distant star
This orb divine of sacred light, its calling is heard
Within the darkness, the rapture, the given WORD
As too, the tides of the sea, held in its embrace
I in the ebb and flow of love's light and grace
Ascension, be this the glory, this divinity's call
The splendor, the ecstasy, the majesty of ALL
Within this PRESENCE an ALL knowing blessed BE
And held I within a distant vista, within a celestial sea.

Rose Marie Raccioppi
Poet Laureate
Orangetown, New York

APOGEE Moon... A Metaphor for one's vision, for one's life work, for one's purpose defined... APOGEE, the furthest point in the moon's orbit... and so our quest for the highest point, the furthest distance, for the journey's end, for a culmination, for the ultimate climax...our light, our love, our destiny known.

Rose Marie Raccioppi
APOGEE Paradigm™

Tuesday, June 15, 2021


WHO AM I what lens are you seen... by what impressions are you made known... by what echoes are you heard... by what light that is obscured... by what shadows that are cast...

if you see me in the shadows of others
if your vision is obscured by the perception of another
if you listen to my words and hear only the echoes of another's judgment
I am then but another's story cast in illusion
I am then but distortions made real
Unveil the masked lies... let truth be its own voice
Yes, it is a choice, it is a choice.
Personal Empowerment Specialist™
APOGEE Paradigm™