Friday, June 25, 2021

An invitation to read, to reflect, to act ~ “Know Thyself”


An invitation to read, to reflect, to act...

“Know Thyself” ~ Remember and Resolve... It is the way of the spiritual warrior... it is the way to personal freedom ...
“Know Thyself" presents itself as timeless. An ancient writing called the, Upanishads, presents a dialogue that consistently advises the importance of self knowledge. One is to fully appreciate and understand the workings of the body, mind and spirit, specific to one’s emotions, goals, visions and preferences. To separate out what impressions of self is true to the very nature of self, from impressions of self given by others, allows one to come closer to the truth of self. “Know Thyself," "Nosce Te Ipsum," was written on the forecourt of the temple of Apollo at Delphi. It is a directive that has guided both Eastern and Western cultures.
From the Greek Temple of Apollo to modern time, to the APOGEE Paradigm™, "Nosce Te Ipsum," are three words that impart huge meaning, spiritual depth and personal truth in our lives more than ever before. A proverb passed through time as a reminder of each individual's own divine self. To “Know Thyself” one must look deep within oneself; to find true inner peace as well as purpose; to see thyself as thy truly are, with a non-judgemental eye. A reminder of one's potential for true enlightenment and inspiration for life's journey.
Thoughts, memories, projections, imaginings, signal the very pulse of BEING. Pay heed to these callings of consciousness that petition revelation, attention, understanding and resolve. The body is the messenger of what touches, influences, supports, violates, denies, validates. We are to be seekers, in quest to decode these consistent cell signaling alerts. They are not to be quelled nor denied. They are to be understood as cause and effect, understood as symptoms of need, understood for the truths they beckon to reveal.
WE HAVE THE POWER to rise above imposed shadows of limitation, dismay, despondency, disease ~ this our destined evolution of BEING...This the offerings of APOGEE Acu-Tone™… ONTO SELF BE KNOWN.
TELE~RESTORE™ ... YES... a call away... integrated Body~Mind~Breath, Restorative Practices ~ documented benefits...
Rose Marie Raccioppi, MS FABI
Personal Empowerment Specialist
APOGEE Paradigm™
APOGEE Acu-Tone™
All inquiries welcomed ~ All questions answered
Call for an appointment:
Rockland County, New York : 845-359-9056
Image: KNOW THYSELF ~ Roman mosaic From Via Αppia, National Roman Museum, Rome, Italy.
YES, we are to know, to respect, the intelligence of creation, to appreciate every cell, every bone, every organ, every structure within our body signals and becomes part of our consciousness, part of our experience, that calls for acknowledgement, understanding, confront and resolve. TRUTH ever calling onto itself for the ultimate GOOD of SELF. Yes, the knowing of self, the glory and praise of the GOD within.
Rose Marie Raccioppi, MS FABI

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