Monday, June 6, 2022

APOGEE Paradigm™ ~ The Consciousness of DIVINITY™

APOGEE Logo of Sacred Geometry 

I was asked what brings you to post what you post, and do what you do, and I responded, "The Consciousness of DIVINITY" and so here in presentation. 

A Consciousness ~ A Paradigm
APOGEE Paradigm™ ~ The Consciousness of DIVINITY™
In response to a post, I made reference to "a consciousness of divinity'," and was asked to define "divinity" to which I responded:
Here shared, an etymology definition that echoes my use of divinity... a consciousness that holds reverent, and sacred , the blessings of life, breath and BEING
"divinity (n.)
c. 1300, "science of divine things, theology;" late 14c., "quality or character of being divine," also "a divine being, God," from Old French devinité (12c.), from Latin divinitatem (nominative divinitas), from divinus "of a god," from divus "of or belonging to a god, inspired, prophetic," related to deus "god, deity" (from PIE root *dyeu- "to shine," in derivatives "sky, heaven, god"). Figurative meaning "that which is divine in character or quality" is from 1640s."
I have come to live "the consciousness of divinity'" ... a supernal grace and gratitude for the deliverance of SELF onto SELF.
An Added Note: the word 'DIVINITY, ' in numerology bears the composite number of 3 - denoting a triune, a spirit, a grace, a BEING...

DIVINITY... be it of:

Yielding to the grace of light.

I Googled, "The Consciousness of DIVINITY" and found no reference other than to myself... and so here claimed!

Rose Marie Raccioppi
APOGEE Paradigm™
The Consciousness of DIVINITY™

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