Friday, July 8, 2022

T H O T H ~ ~ The Words, the Wisdom, the Revelations ~

 ~ The Words, the Wisdom, the Revelations ~

Since 7 years of age the teachings of THOTH have been brought to me. The call to 'tune up the world' at this young, exploratory, and confident age has led to the pursuit of the arts, to pioneering program development that has and continues to serve special learners, to the advancement of non-toxic land management legislation, to the designation of poet laureate, to the development of an integrated stress management and response system of sound therapy. Each discipline is an expression of the APOGEE Paradigm™. Newly ordained as, 'Messenger,' I am bringing the teachings of THOTH and The Kybalion forward.  APOGEE Acu-Tone™ reflects, practices, and applies these laws and principles, as guides to awareness, discernment, balance, health and well being.

Counsel of Ancient Be Known

Fear no longer to take hold
FAITH be VALOR and TRUTH noble and bold
Purpose and intention in vision and deed
The GOOD of humanity be the resounding creed
To WISDOM, to CREATION, so willingly I surrender
The artist's brush, the poet's pen in expressive splendor
The Emerald Tablets of THOTH, counsel of ancient be known

In gratitude,

Rose Marie Raccioppi


APOGEE Paradigm™

The Teachings... the Wisdom... the Revelations...

Be this an invitation to those who are drawn to the teachings and the wisdom of the ancients. Allow yourself to peruse and be moved.
Yes, a look into one's journey of BEING.
I am so deeply touched and so deeply blessed by this presentation of THOTH. As I continue to listen, I hear too, the echos of my own heart, the poetic dialogues I have written, the programs, visions, proposals and services I have brought forth. I listen and feel a welcoming home.

Rose Marie Raccioppi, MS FABI


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