Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Words in Revelation ~ those that call to Self ~ INTROSPECTION

"Words in their origins, call to Being, Doing, Having ... words that name, words that denote action, perceptions,  reflections. projections... the wonders, the omnipresence, the resolution, the deliverance, the spirit.  Sounding vowels, the breath of the word, the consonants, the body of the word, silent letters of support, in commune, be it of what is said, what is heard, what is read, what is thought, what is remembered."

~ Rose Marie Raccioppi

introspection (n.)

1670s, "action of closely inspecting or examining," noun of action from past participle stem of Latin introspicere "to look into, look at, examine, observe attentively," from intro- "inward" (see intro-) + specere "to look at" (from PIE root *spek- "to observe"). Meaning "action of searching one's feelings or thoughts" is from 1807.Entries linking to introspection

intro- word-forming element, from Latin intro (adv.) "in, on the inside, within, to the inside," from PIE *en-t(e)ro-, suffixed form of root *en "in.

*spek-  Proto-Indo-European root meaning "to observe."

It forms all or part of: aspectauspexauspicesauspiciousbishopcircumspectconspicuousdespicabledespiseepiscopalespecialespionageespyexpectfrontispiecegyroscopeharuspexhoroscopeinspectinspectioninspectorintrospectintrospectionperspectiveperspicaciousperspicacityprospectprospectiverespectrespiteretrospectscope-scopescopophilia-scopyskepticspeciesspecimenspeciousspectaclespectacularspectrumspeculatespeculationspeculumspicespysuspectsuspicionsuspicioustelescope.

It is the hypothetical source of/evidence for its existence is provided by: Sanskrit spasati "sees;" Avestan spasyeiti "spies;" Greek skopein "behold, look, consider," skeptesthai "to look at," skopos"watcher, one who watches;" Latin specere "to look at;" Old High German spehhon "to spy," German spähen "to spy."



Consists of 13 letters, 5 Vowels, 8 Consonants. In numerology the whole word of 13 letters has the Numerological value of 177, one denoting self, the master Number 77, denotes Christ consciousness, based upon the numerological value of the letters that spell CHRIST. Additionally to note, Jesus was the 77th in his line of ancestry. The words Disciple, Power, Glory, bear 77 as their full number.  (Source: Behind Numerology, Shirley Blackwell, Lawrence) 

The first composite, 1+7+7 = 15,  one denoting self, 5 denoting freedom, the  second composite, 1+5 = 6. 6 denoting, voice to be heard.  The progression, indeed a significant 'telling,' Be this the 'observant' journey to Know Thyself. 

The vowels have the full value of 53, 5 denoting freedom, 3, denoting spirit, composite 5+3 = 8, 8 denoting, as above, so below. Spirt of the word.

The consonants have the full value of 124, one denoting self, 2 denoting connection, 4 denoting structure. The first compose 1+2+4= 7,  7 denoting reflection, revelation.  Body of the word. 

Each letter beholds a directive, a called for consideration, a relationship to SELF...the spirit, the body, the whole of BEING.














Wherein lies your identity, your sense of self, your vision of BEING, horizons yet to realize, challenges yet to meet, Yes INTROSPECTION calls upon self  to observe, to bring all to awareness, for the knowing and the mastering of SELF in fulfillment of intention and purpose perceived.

Rose Marie Raccioppi, MS,  FABI


APOGEE Acu-Tone™

Prepared for Tammy Evrard

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