Sunday, October 6, 2024

An Invitational Posting...The REBIS and The Sacred Geometry of the APOGEE LOGO...

A concept, a design, an innocent yet deeply feeling connection, and so the LOGO and so the The REBIS (from the latin res bina, meaning double matter) Behold the Symbolic accord, Each pictorial configuration, line by line in progression, put forth here speaks the message, the graphic depiction of the alchemic and sacred geometry of OUR BEING.

Do avail yourself of what is here put forth for YOU. YES, this an invitational posting. Here for your perusal on this blog

The graphic message of the Rebis depiction, (from the latin res bina, meaning double matter) is the end product of the alchemical "great work." After one has gone through purification, separating opposing qualities, those qualities are united once more in what is sometimes described as the divine hermaphrodite, a reconciliation of spirit and matter, a being of both male and female qualities as indicated by the two heads within a single body.
As too, the dynamic geometric square within the circle... a logo representing the codification as one, a step by step depiction of two circles into its one expressive perpetuation.
Trace the progression from the initial interface of the 2 circles to its completion as put forth. And so be known the truth of CREATION.
This in guidance received. This consistent in what learning, teaching, TRUTH and BEING beckon to be known. ðŸŒ€


APOGEE Acu-Tone™

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