Monday, June 17, 2013

Amazing Resonance Experiment!

Here we see sound creating form, patterns of response. So too, with our inner sounding, our thoughts as frequency, our emotions as vibration, all signaling to every cell and our cells ever in response. Resonance,  harmony, accord, a matter of consciousness, a matter of inner command and flow of each organ system. 

Creating balance, be it of body, mind or spirit,
 is what the APOGEE Acu-Tone™Paradigm provides.

Deeply comforting sessions of sound/vibrational therapy are provided 
to bring renewal and a balanced sense of self into the totality of BEING. 

 APOGEE Acu-Tone™ - welcomed results... 
A Revolutionary Energy Balancing Paradigm.
All inquiries welcomed ~ All questions answered

Testimonials are indeed ongoing...

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