Wednesday, August 22, 2018

The Sounding Sea Within Us

Hear it, feel it, become it, the sounding ebb and flow of ocean tides, the sea, and the delight of moving waters. The rushing sound of the shifting sands below your feet, the gentle waves, the high cresting waves sound, and we are embraced by a vibratory splendor, a deep breath, a sigh, a welcomed sense of BEING.

Since ancient times we have accounts of the healing and transformational properties of water.  In Ayurvedic, ancient Indian medicinal wisdom, and traditional Chinese medicine, the water element is crucial to balancing and creating, physical harmony. Rivers, with their flow and sounding waters, have long been regarded as sacred places.

At water’s edge the sound is simplified. It calls to our breath. A feeling of calm, a centeredness, a letting go ensues as our inhalation and exhalation move in resonance with the moving and sounding waters. Our breath in harmony with the sounding ebb and flow brings feelings of deep relaxation and renewal.

The sound of sea waves held by seashells holds a special delight and fascination. It wasn’t until my adult years that I learned that what we hear in seashells is the flow of our own blood. Indeed a sacred accord. Within we hold the roar, the sounding of our life giving flow. At ocean’s side, the moving waters of earth and the flow of life’s waters within rejoice in resonance.

The echo of the sea, its ebb, its flow, fills the cambers of the nautilus as too, the chambers of our heart, the pulsing, the cresting, ever the sounding sea within. As you put a seashell next to your ear, hear the blood surging in your veins, as too, all the waters of Creation. Yes, the ambient sounds of the sea, sing, speak, sigh and echo all that breathes, all that flows. When a seashell reflects back our inner unceasing rhythmic pulse, our inner sounding, we are in commune with the sounding sea, the whisperer of secrets, the primordial murmurings of the universe.

Listen to the waters of oceans, seas, rivers, streams, and springs. Feel the ambient accord, this breathing, this pulsing call to life.

Rose Marie Raccioppi, MS FABI
APOGEE Acu-Tone™

Rose Marie Raccioppi, Master Educator/Therapist, Artist, Poet Laureate, Vibrational/Sound Therapist, with degrees in Psychology and Education, graduate studies in Holistic Health, Leadership, Adult Behavior and Development, Yoga Science, honored and awarded for her innovative practices and beneficial services to children, adults and families, Founder/Director of APOGEE Acu-Tone™ ~ Vibrational Sound Therapy.

Discovering the Chakras - Brow Chakra...and YES, "Glasses NO MORE"

And YES, Glasses NO MORE...
The Brow Chakra
The sixth, Brow, or Third Eye chakra, 
is an enchanting indigo orb rotating in the center of the brain.

Called Ajna, which means “perceive,” “command,” or “beyond wisdom” in Sanskrit, this energy center is associated with clarity, understanding, evolution, intuition, intelligence, and psychic powers.

The physical correlates of this chakra are the midbrain, hindbrain, eyes, microbiome in the sinonasal cavity, and pituitary gland. When unbalanced, migraines, sinus problems, visual defects, and some ear problems can emerge.

Healthy and balanced, the Brow chakra produces illumination, the ability to see things clearly, patience, and insight.

The Brow chakra’s element is Light, the force that reveals the true nature of all things.

Working with the Brow Chakra, and its associated physical cranium points, my eye sight has been significantly improved. YES, "Glasses NO MORE."

Rose Marie Raccioppi, MS FABI
APOGEE Acu-Tone™
toll free: 1-866-228-8663

The Sounding WAVES within...

W A V E S... ""... we are its waves" ... WAVES... know thy Will, thy Aspiration, thy Volition, thy Eternity, thy Spirit ... the ebb, the flow... the ocean of our BEING 🌀 
Rose Marie Raccioppi 

For a moment join me...


Lilting be the sounding of cresting waves and the music of the wind
The feel of waters that ebb and flow to the call of the moon
Implacable is this sea in its surging spirit
Motion becomes still in its turbulent wake
Time becomes suspended in grace
An interlude, a breath, and the sigh of BEING.

Rose Marie Raccioppi
Poet Laureate
Orangetown, New York

“Although the rhythm of the waves beats a kind of time, it is not clock or calendar time. It has no urgency. It happens to be timeless time. I know that I am listening to a rhythm which has been just the same for millions of years, and it takes me out of a world of relentlessly ticking clocks. Clocks for some reason or other always seem to be marching, and, as with armies, marching is never to anything but doom. But in the motion of waves there is no marching rhythm. It harmonizes with our very breathing. It does not count our days. Its pulse is not in the stingy spirit of measuring, of marking out how much still remains. It is the breathing of eternity, like the God Brahma of Indian mythology inhaling and exhaling, manifesting and dissolving the worlds, forever. As a mere conception this might sound appallingly monotonous, until you come to listen to the breaking and washing of waves.”

― Alan W. Watts

If you allow yourself to listen to your heart with a stethoscope, eyes closed, the cosmos that is you, the ocean, will make itself known in each moment of breath... Before I start the offering of the APOGEE Acu-Tone ™ experience, in a prone position on the infrared heated table, I leave the person alone in the APOGEE Sound Sanctuary,™ to listen to his/her heartbeat in the exclusive company of itself, for a full three minutes. Upon my return, and in silence, I initiate the process... one's own heartbeat is the opening of Self to the receiving, the giving of BEING. For many it is the very first time that they listened so attentively to the very sounding of life within. 


YES, an 'out of body experience' is a most frequently reported occurrence of APOGEE Acu-Tone™. Some report becoming bathed in a sea of changing colors, some report contact with a passed loved one, some report feeling a suspension of their body to a weightless essence of light, some report such a deep sense of 'letting go' that they awaken fully refreshed and deeply calmed. Pure acoustic in the moment sounding of sacred frequencies applied to meridian pathways, acupuncture points, cranium points, reflexology points, spinal points, each nerve plexus, and the body in acceptance defines wellbeing. 

Rose Marie Raccioppi, MS FABI
APOGEE Acu-Tone™
All inquiries welcomed ~ All questions answered
Call for an appointment
Rockland County, New York : 845-359-9056

Sunday, August 19, 2018

PFC Joseph P. Dwyer Veterans Peer to Peer Program shared a post... APOGEE Acu-Tone™ Vibrational Therapy documented benefits...

July 6
When you want relief from suffering and you have tried everything don’t be afraid to try alternative treatment. The Veteran Taskforce has been approached by a number of providers in the Rockland community that want to provide services to the veteran community. Rose Marie attended the Veteran Taskforce and shared her services and Sharon Bailey testified to feeling better (pain relief) and an added and unexpected benefit was decrease dark circles. Rose Marie is offering discounts for veterans. Call PFC Joseph P. Dwyer Peer to Peer Program for a referral at 845-521-9440.

So pleased to have had the opportunity of working with Veteran Sharon Bailey. She has been most responsive to the APOGEE Acu-Tone™ offerings. Hers is a story of pain relief, energy balancing and improved mobility. Our work together continues... All Good in the happenings!! 
This is Sharon Bailey's most recent statement:

PFC Joseph P. Dwyer Veterans Peer to Peer Program shared a post.

4 mins · 

"I have had chronic pain over ten years. I’ve had reconstruction surgery on my right foot to remove that pain. The pain continued post operation. I have invested in foot massages, creams and patches. At some point I had given up and was told by military Orthopedic provider that my “foot was useless.” I went to see Rose Marie Raccioppi. Her experience, professionalism and her care for humankind meet me at the door. After two treatments I was able to run on my foot for the first time in years. I have increased my activities. The added benefits has been my skin tone and removal of the dark circles around my eyes. I continue to see here for tune ups. I’m learning to breathe to assist my body in the healing process. My foot is no longer “useless.”

Vibrational/Sound Therapy • The Ultimate In Harmonic Cell Communication • Deep Relaxation • Energy Balancing • Facial Vibrancy • Pain Relief • Self Mastery • Well Being
YES, it has been documented that what is claimed is indeed delivered.
For further information peruse:  

Rose Marie Raccioppi, MS FABI
APOGEE Acu-Tone™
All inquiries welcomed ~ All questions answered
Call for an appointment
Rockland County, New York : 845-359-9056

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Sweet, resonant, engaging ... instruments of sounding beauty.....

The Art of SOUND... instruments of sounding beauty... and so too, my story...APOGEE Acu-Tone ™ ...

In the early 70's an agent was able to contact an aeronautical engineer from Germany, that explored sound and its effects on the body, mind, spirit of an individual. He crafted precision tuning forks, with specific frequencies out of bell quality, medical grade stainless steel. On my behalf the agent acquired several sets, to my specifications, that I was able to purchase. 

The vision of these tuning forks came to me when I was seven years of age... YES, we were to be tuned,  just as an orchestra was tuned... Our bones were to be played... our body was then to hear, feel the purity of tone, be tuned, and to live in harmony. This upon hearing for the first time a live orchestra, tuning up for a performance. These very resounding tuning forks were used in my exploration, research and development of a Vibrational/Sound Therapy program, APOGEE Acu-Tone™. This a practice that was formally launched in 1983... YES, these tuning forks are what I have come to appreciate as the, "Stradivarius," of tuning forks... clear, precise, tones, ever in perfect resonance for bringing harmonies for balance and wellbeing.  No equal has been found...

For further information on service offerings contact: 
Rose Marie Raccioppi, MS FABI
APOGEE Paradigm™
APOGEE Acu-Tone™
APOGEE Learning™

All inquiries welcomed ~ All questions answered
Call for an appointment
Rockland County, New York : 845-359-9056