Sunday, December 29, 2019

Music Is Medicine | Michael Boidy | TEDxVail

He speaks, I listen, and heard is what I was introduced to as a 7 year old... when ordained to, "tune the world." Little did I fully understand, yet I was moved to explore the feelings that my body experienced when sounding tuning forks of different frequencies. Yes, a sense of calm, a sense of comfort, a sense that my body was deeply hearing, and it was sharing what it was hearing throughout my body. 

For over a decade I 'tested out' tuning forks for their effects on how my body felt, how my body responded. After reading, and studying, 'The Web That Has No Weaver,'" by Ted Kaptchuk, a book explaining and illustrating the meridian system and acupuncture points that correspond to particular organs and structures, I initiated a practice that I named, Acu-Tone™... After another decade of research, exploration and experimentation, with such promising benefits, I officially launched a private practice. There is more to my story... it is time that it becomes known. 

It is time that APOGEE Acu-Tone™ and the APOGEE Paradigm™ be known for its pioneering and ongoing benefits. YES, a distillation of ancient practices, ancient wisdom, in a modern day practice, serving children, teens, adults and seniors...this officially since 1983.

It presents the evaluative findings  of APOGEE Acu-Tone™by an independent professional biofeedback scientist and practitioner. 

For more information or to arrange a consultation contact/call:
Rose Marie Raccioppi, MS FABI
Founder Director
APOGEE Acu-Tone™
APOGEE Acu-Tone™ Vibrational Sound Therapy
Tappan, New York
toll free: 1-866-228-8663

Saturday, December 28, 2019

75 years and no longer under the radar...

2020 will mark the 75th Year since I was first guided... 
YES, its time has come. 
Miracles are but a light, a sound, an intention in fulfillment.

For several decades APOGEE Acu-Tone™ has been responsive to the needs of children, teens, young adults, adults and seniors. Being one that has been guided, I have been free to apply the wisdom gifted to me, without restraint, without pre-judgment. Its time was before its time... its time is NOW…

The integrated practices, are based upon a distillation of ancient Egyptian sound healing, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Eastern Indian energy medicine, sacred geometry, and states of consciousness, the principles put forth by Carl Jung. 

It has been stated that the APOGEE Acu-Tone™ experience is a welcomed reception of embracing sound, of utter release, of the deepest of relaxation, of the lessening and termination of pain, stress, stiffness, anxiety, a sense of BEING that is a gift to SELF. 

It is gentle, yet has laser beam precision, as pure, in the moment acoustic frequencies, are brought to specific acupuncture points, specific reflexology points, specific meridian pathways, specific cranium points, recreating open communication between cells, organs and organ systems. YES, the depth of integration provided within the APOGEE Acu-Tone™ experience is yet to be matched.

Your question, your curiosity, your exploration are indeed welcomed. Do peruse the link provided for insight into the process, and  as it has been evaluated by a bio-feedback specialist.

For more information or to arrange a consultation contact/call:
Rose Marie Raccioppi, MS FABI
Founder Director
APOGEE Acu-Tone™
APOGEE Acu-Tone™ Vibrational Sound Therapy
Tappan, New York
toll free: 1-866-228-8663

This post has been promoted by a communication from: Barbara Braun
Let us hope for a cure
Rose Marie Raccioppi
You could change the world!

Scientists Have 'Cleared' Alzheimer's Plaque From Mice Using Only Light And Sound 

28 DEC 2019

Wednesday, December 18, 2019


The Eye of Horus is a reference point for placement of APOGEE Acu-Tone™ Restorative Frequencies for Facial Vibrancy. Note the organ correspondences. 
Indeed appreciative of the understanding, of the wisdom, of the veneration of Body and BEING that have been brought forth from the ancients of Egypt. Sacred chambers of sound for healing and restoration of source energies are to be newly understood. Sound as a healing modality defines the APOGEE Paradigm™. 

The EYE of HORUS... dimension, proportion, Ancient Egyptian depictions ... the very guide for APOGEE Acu-Tone™ facial vibrancy. Specific cranium, facial points, receive pure acoustic restorative frequencies...

YES, ancient wisdom in a modern day practice that continues to bring unprecedented benefits ...
Link provided for a fuller understanding: will bring clarity to the relationship of the Sphenoid bone to Facial Vibrancy and the Sphenoid bone in relation to the Eye of Horus.

APOGEE Acu-Tone ~ Facial Vibrancy

The look of vitality is indeed compelling. A face that reflects balance, relaxation, energy, radiance, and engagement, evokes interest and attention. To feel facial tension dissolve, tone improve, eyes brighten, along with a feeling of well being and renewal is what has been consistently reported to occur as a result of an APOGEE Acu-Tone™ experience. Medical Grade Calibrated tuning forks are applied to facial and cranium bones. The vibrations are received and communicated to the cells. An entrainment, sound transformation in an orchestrated crescendo, brings about the desired changes and the resulting renewal. 
Spontaneous responses, when looking in a mirror post the APOGEE Acu-Tone™ session, include such statements as: "My face feels so alive and relaxed." "I actually look younger." " My eyes look so awake and clear." "How can I keep this look?" "Such a great feeling." 

For more information or to arrange a consultation contact/call:
Rose Marie Raccioppi, MS FABI
Founder Director
APOGEE Acu-Tone™
APOGEE Acu-Tone™ Vibrational Sound Therapy
Tappan, New York
toll free: 1-866-228-8663

Saturday, December 14, 2019

YES, I am thrilled... VIBRATION and Vagal Tone

YES, I am thrilled !!!
The latest scientific validations...the growing understanding of ancient healing practices and knowledge ... the appreciation that all interchange is VIBRATION... the billions of cells that constitute our bones, our blood vessels, our nerve cells, every organ, every organ system, our heart to brain communications, our heart to gut communications, our mind to gut communications... all VIBRATION... all expressive of integrated cell communication. This the knowing, the practices, that define the documented benefits of APOGEE Acu-Tone™ since its public debut in 1983. 
VIBRATION and Vagal Tone... The working of the Vagus Nerve is core to engaging the Parasympathetic Nervous System. Simple, effective, real, dynamic, balancing, healing... no surgical procedures, no drug administration, non invasive, calming, welcomed, and in the moment benefits documented. Pure in the moment acoustic restorative frequencies are placed onto cranium points, acupuncture points, meridian pathways, reflexology points of hands and feet, via 14 medical grade, stainless steel, finely calibrated tuning forks. APOGEE Acu-Tone ™ is a science, an art, that is a distillation of ancient healing paradigms of Egypt, China, India, Greece. This a guided path since seven years of age. Yes, when I was told, "You are destined to tune-up the world." The full story yet to be told.

Contact/Call directly for more information or to set an appointment/consultation: 
Rose Marie Raccioppi, MS FABI
APOGEE Paradigm™
APOGEE Acu-Tone™
APOGEE Learning™
All inquiries welcomed ~ All questions answered
Call for an appointment
Rockland County, New York : 845-359-9056

An Added Word March19, 2020

All that balances the interchange of right and left brain, all that supports the flow, the ease of communication of cell to cell, organ to organ, organ system to organ system, brings the Parasympathetic Nervous system to reign... Be it a choice, be it a practice, be it chanting, meditation, Governing Vessel Breathing, dancing, playing musical instruments, singing, cooking with delight in heart, creating art joyfully, bringing the body, the mind, the spirit to celebrate life, holding the vision that challenges will be met... yes, a choice, a practice.

Monday, December 2, 2019


E T E R N A L be creation… the quest of Life, Purpose, Fulfillment.  Seven strokes, seven days of creation, seven chakras of light… and so upon The APOGEE WINNING WARRIOR Kimono, this pin worn  respectfully.

The character for "eternal" or "eternity" consists of all the basic types of strokes. Once you can write this character really well, then writing all characters well become easier. Please note: The numbers and arrows indicate in which order and directions the strokes are written.

Strokes Illustration for ETERNAL:

Custom design pin for APOGEE Acu-Tone™:


For more information:
Rose Marie Raccioppi, MS FABI
APOGEE Acu-Tone™
Tappan, New York
toll free: 1-866-228-8663