Saturday, December 14, 2019

YES, I am thrilled... VIBRATION and Vagal Tone

YES, I am thrilled !!!
The latest scientific validations...the growing understanding of ancient healing practices and knowledge ... the appreciation that all interchange is VIBRATION... the billions of cells that constitute our bones, our blood vessels, our nerve cells, every organ, every organ system, our heart to brain communications, our heart to gut communications, our mind to gut communications... all VIBRATION... all expressive of integrated cell communication. This the knowing, the practices, that define the documented benefits of APOGEE Acu-Tone™ since its public debut in 1983. 
VIBRATION and Vagal Tone... The working of the Vagus Nerve is core to engaging the Parasympathetic Nervous System. Simple, effective, real, dynamic, balancing, healing... no surgical procedures, no drug administration, non invasive, calming, welcomed, and in the moment benefits documented. Pure in the moment acoustic restorative frequencies are placed onto cranium points, acupuncture points, meridian pathways, reflexology points of hands and feet, via 14 medical grade, stainless steel, finely calibrated tuning forks. APOGEE Acu-Tone ™ is a science, an art, that is a distillation of ancient healing paradigms of Egypt, China, India, Greece. This a guided path since seven years of age. Yes, when I was told, "You are destined to tune-up the world." The full story yet to be told.

Contact/Call directly for more information or to set an appointment/consultation: 
Rose Marie Raccioppi, MS FABI
APOGEE Paradigm™
APOGEE Acu-Tone™
APOGEE Learning™
All inquiries welcomed ~ All questions answered
Call for an appointment
Rockland County, New York : 845-359-9056

An Added Word March19, 2020

All that balances the interchange of right and left brain, all that supports the flow, the ease of communication of cell to cell, organ to organ, organ system to organ system, brings the Parasympathetic Nervous system to reign... Be it a choice, be it a practice, be it chanting, meditation, Governing Vessel Breathing, dancing, playing musical instruments, singing, cooking with delight in heart, creating art joyfully, bringing the body, the mind, the spirit to celebrate life, holding the vision that challenges will be met... yes, a choice, a practice.

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