Friday, September 24, 2021

Vibrations: Spider and Prey ~ The sounds of entrapment... the sounds of quest... the sounds of freedom sought... the silence captured...

Pleased to present the Collaborative work between Markus Buehler, Isabelle Su, Tomas Saraceno, and others.

Audio: Sonification of a spider web, by making vibrations audible to the human ear.

Sonification is based on collaborative work with Ian Hattwick, Isabelle Su, Christine Southworth, Evan Ziporyn, and Tomas Saraceno, first premiered at Saraceno's OnAir exhinition, Paris, 2018. We further acknowledge discussions with Eran Egozy.

Sounds real though inaudible... vibrational frequencies that rivet our attention... as too, the Spider...

All movement, however inaudible, however subtle, how ever held secret,  holds its vibrational reality... be it known to us or not. This a feeling that often has no explanation, yet exists. The the consciousness of space and time. This the fascination held since 7 years of age.

Yes, I hold fascination for the vibrations felt when sound itself is not audible to me. This vibrational sensitivity has prompted research, exploration, discovery, leading to my pioneering work in the launching of APOGEE Acu-Tone™ in 1983. As a therapist, as a poet, as an artist, the subtle play of sounds within words, the frequencies of color, are honored ... yes, and joy is known.

As a Consultant/Therapist… when listening to the expressed need of a person, fell I the inner dialogue of vibrations, hear I, the resolve… a poetic dialogue ensues in heart… and so it is...

FALL ~ a season for spider webs. the creating, the harvesting, the containment, the freedom... 

A WEB to Spin…

From deep hurt and loss a web to spin
In threads of anguish caught her heart within
Soulful reflection and resolve to proclaim
In forgiveness and faith to call God’s name
To feel the knowing, the purpose, the plan
Ever God’s gift to life, woman and man
Free be her heart and lamenting soul
In glory she to live life’s goal
Entanglements need not confining be
She to hold to life’s decree
The beauty of a spider’s web be it known
For the intent fulfilled and the artistry shown
So too, within our hearts threads of time, people and place
And within a web we may so place
Yet each thread is created anew to interweave
So too, with each thought we bear to conceive
Within these threads of creation and time
Behold the magic, the mystery, the wondrous divine.

Rose Marie Raccioppi
Poet Laureate
Orangetown, New York

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