Thursday, June 22, 2023

A post 2017. ~ Commentary 2023 ~ Deliverance ~ Jacques Bacon: Adopted Spiritual Mother/and Sister in Christ a true Light unto the World!


Cast Within the Light..., 2017
These the words conveyed as this photo, originally taken by my Son, was newly gifted to me... A gift of friendship... received with gratitude ❤.
•☆*´¨`☽ Love this Angel of Living Light☀
( ☆* God Bless You....
´`★.¸¸¸. •°´♡¸.★*´♡
"Mon amour pour toi est aussi grand que le monde."
You are just as Beautiful, and magnificent as the Sunrise...

Today, Dear Tsimi James, I posted your kind and loving words and the image you recreated in the light you perceived. Thank You for such expression of light, love and vision. It is now known heart to heart. Blessed be your JOY in all SPIRIT and GRACE... now in eternal light and peace.

This day's response 2023

Jacques Bacon
Her tone is always caring, of a soft voice, in no way imposing, each word spoken with deliberation, and with the heart in mind; the words are soft on the ears, healing upon her breath, she proclaims the Love of GOD... She simply, breathes, and allows herself to BE what it is GOD designed her to BE! Her words come from the depth of the heart, the soul, the very being written on the tabernacles of her heart, her being... Each word is the Glorious gift of GOD... If you have found GOD of self...that should be enough...but if you happen to need assistance, an aid in the healing you seek... This woman is worth listening to... do your self a favor and contact her, she CAN help you heal...

Rose Marie Raccioppi
Guardian of the Water
Top contributor 

So deeply appreciative of what you have put forth. May your words Dear Jacques Bacon, be too, another's truth affirmed.    🙏

An APOGEE Acu-Tone™ 
Telephone Session in progress...
I listen, feel I the depths of knowing, of questioning, of seeking … I feel the words, their implied meaning, the shield used to mask the pain, the opening to seek the resolve, the relief when one is felt to be understood.
Offered is the guidance that dissolves the dismay, the practices that are newly welcomed, the amazement at how simple and yet profound change can be. Such delight, when there is a newly awakened appreciation of the intelligence of the body. An accord comes to be experienced by both listener and speaker. A HAPPENING with RIGHT INTENTION.

Picture one on high ground, ascended beyond the mundane, having the capacity of an expansive and inclusive view, having met the challenges, the falls and the getting back up on the trail, feel the sense of power, gratitude, the willingness to risk for the greater GOOD beyond the drama of the mundane.
Who with the embrace of TRUTH and WELLBEING offers a vision to those who wish to see. Yes, the RED PILL takers... I too, a MAVERICK... one who is aware of the collective consciousness, and chooses to live as an 'independent-minded person' ... guided by a vision that calls to potentialities and the unknown.
You are to feel that MAVERICK that calls from the depths of SELF... heed its wisdom and its vision.

For more information or to arrange a 
Telephone Session 
or an
Invitational ZOOM, contact/call:
Rose Marie Raccioppi, MS FABI
Founder Director
APOGEE Acu-Tone™
Tappan, New York
Be sure to leave a message and a return call number.


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